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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Nightmare on Elm Street and Inspiration

Oookie doke, so I read up on Nightmare on Elm Street for a bit and saw that it has a surprisingly high rating (95%) which is only reserved for good films. Now don't get me wrong I love Nightmare on Elm Street's premise and story they were brilliant and original, my problem came when I read it was ranked one of the scariest moments in movies at number 17 by Bravo (Source) and I thought back to when I watched it several several years ago, I thought to myself the movie was funny rather than scary. It melded together the sick and twisted fantasies of both reality and dreams in one hell of a ride all the way through, but none of it was scary. I kind of have a thing with fantasy horror, if there's some absolutely ludicrous reason and/or execution to the horror elements I will perceive them as hilarious (specifically the infamous "bed" death scene, please tell me I was not the only one laughing my ass off at that.) It's like depicting Tinkerbell slicing open Peter Pan, I can't take it serious let alone scary, but maybe that's the whole point. The whole movie's point was to screw with the audience, trying to make the line between reality and dream get even blurrier which I thought was pretty strong and has stuck with me to this day. And when I looked back on it today I thought this was a perfect way to introduce my main character, Nick, into his series, not only him but also an antagonist far far later into the plot lines. Through the tale I get to introduce Kindra, the queen of the Reavers, and Nicholas Blade, a man with the bleakest outlook on life. But before I go on with that I'll quickly explain what Reavers are, they're half human half demon that can either be born that way or converted to one. Each Reaver will develop a demonic ability based on their emotion through their life. Kindra, however, is different being the first Reaver ever to exist she has many abilities ranging from flight to telepathy to many others as opposed to those who gained the Reaver gene through her influence. Back to Nick and Kindra and how they'll interact during the tale. Nick meets Kindra after she observes his depressing daily life for a day, she observes him kill a woman he doesn't know, pay off child support to his ex with blood money, and watches him drink heavily. She then decides to contact him in his dream to confront him about his life and try and recruit him to a "cause" of hers. Throughout the tale Kindra will manipulate Nick's senses and distort his perception of reality to make him reflect upon himself heavily. I chose this method of introducing Nick because he's the type of person who just doesn't enjoy anything, his life is depressing being a mercenary for hire he often talks to dead bodies of victims because he's secretly afraid and hateful of people. He abuses people who care about him and doesn't really care much about himself. He NEEDS the help of someone like Kindra to bring him into reality and start pulling him full circle and I thought using Kindra's ability to manipulate Nick's whole reality to make him see himself for what he is. I admit Nightmare on Elm Street was an amazing tale and I'm glad it helped me think of a way of fleshing out one of my favorite character

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