A lot of the kids seem to be very active in extra curricular activities, more so than in other schools. Countless flyers are tacked to the billboard in the commons area with various student clubs. One flyer I found the most interest in, it was a red flyer is the picture of an enlarged eye on it that read "The Imperfects" and below it read "The club for the gifted." It was the perfect tagline in my opinion, it doesn't state that it's 'a club for the gifted' it states that it was 'the club for the gifted.'
I asked around the student body for information on The Imperfects. Strangely enough information was scarce, the students didn't seem too fond of the idea and I didn't know what that idea even was. I assumed it was an esoteric social club from the kids reactions.
I managed to catch up with Bobby Ricks again and decided to ask him his opinion on The Imperfects, because if anyone was gonna be loose lipped on a subject I figured it would be him. He gave me the gist; The Imperfects was indeed a social club for 'gifted' students and he made sure to emphasize gifted as a description. When pressed about it he didn't go into detail on what gift the members had, he only revealed that there's much more going on under the surface of the school.
I changed the subject to elaborating on his remark of being a hero, attempting to establish maybe some connection to him and the student body and why he would consider himself a 'hero.' At first he was quiet. He gave me a look attempting to feel me out, see if I was trustworthy or not I'm betting. When he felt comfortable he told something that may just make this school observation a bit deeper than what I had originally thought.
"Ever wonder what it would be like to punch through a wall, to lift ten times your own weight, to move things with your mind? I don't have to anymore. It's funny how you see the world on the surface, and then you peel off the wallpaper. I'll say this once, Ted, keep digging around and you're in for it."
I didn't know whether to take it as a warning or a threat. Bobby disappeared to class and I went back to the board. I observed the names of the clubs again, this time there were more that stuck out to me. At first they seemed harmless, but coupling them with Bobby's words, names like "Order club" and "All Animal's club" appear to have a bit of secret meaning behind them.
While I take Bobby's words with a grain of salt, I'm starting to get a strange vibe here. It may just be the nonsensical rambling of a mind polluted by television and comic books or it could be some sort of message. So far he's the only lead I have in this mute school for anything and he seems really adement on either playing this gag or giving me a warning. Either way it's my assignment for the next few weeks so I better find something, something that the FBI can use, but I never got to ask what exactly what I was supposed to find.